This is a very cute, small shop. I'm more accustomed to the larger stores or larger, more expanded local shops where we moved from. Up in Chattanooga, TN. They are really picking up steam with the all natural/holistic living. Not just for us hoomans but our furkids too. My seniors then vet had a small shop she sold food, supplements, supplies & etc. Our Nutrition Store does as well. Then there were 2 bigger stores downtown that offered both natural/holistic products as well as had bakeries inside with pet grooming. I didn't like Chattanooga and the 5 min city they're turning into as much as I loved what some areas were. It's moving in a bad direction in another. But Bensons is the closest I've found here in Lakeland. They're small, very small compared to what I'm used to. But, they are very attentive, very kind, and personable, and I was surprised as upon our 1st trip in. We noticed they carried some name brands we knew but not a few of the products from those brands. Without hesitation, they jumped right on it & asked if I'd like them to place an order. After doing so, the order came quickly & we had what we needed & wanted just before Milton hit. That in itself was so amazing!!! Every single time we go in. They offer our baby a cookie. She happily gobbles it down 😆
I really like this store and the staff. I'm happy to know we can place orders and get the things we n d, quickly.
Our girl has many autoimmune issues, so there will be many times ill need to get things that they don't unfortunately have on their shelves, but again, thankfully, they can order it. I'll just have to remember to stay on top of things so they can order before my girl runs out because I can't make a quick trip to just pick it up anymore.
I'd recommend this pet store over the other one. We went to both. This one is more approachable, in my opinion.
This one feels homey. The other one was full of cat hair. This one is way cleaner. There were several cats hanging out & inside of the other place. I love cats. Yet their fur doesn't love me. As soon as we walked into the other store. I stuffed up, eyes started to it and throat felt like I swallowed a golf ball 😆 but I wanted to see what they offered. We weren't there but a few min then left and headed straight to Bensons 😊 . I told my husband on the way to Bensons. I'll never step foot in the other again. Bensons has our baby's business furever!!! Thank you all! I appreciate you and all that you do for our furkids!!! You help to make their lives easier, fun, comforting & relaxing as well as ours by us knowing you are here with us 🐕 ❤️